Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Blood Test

I went for a 'full medical checkup' today for the sake of my applications to the USA. I think it's also a pre-requisite when you're applying for VISA.

My mom accompanied me to the clinic and we had a little chat with the doctor. Then when it was time for the blood test, my mom left the room. She can't stand the sight of needles and blood. -.- And I thought I was a coward. :D I don't think I've taken a blood test before, so this was my first. I had to hold out my left arm and ball my fist so that the vein protruded. Then the doctor smiled at me and said, "Don't worry, it won't hurt." Doctors are liars.

It definitely hurt. It hurt more than the injection on my upper gums when I went to extract a molar tooth because of the troublesome wisdom tooth.

So while the doctor patiently waited for my blood to fill up the bottle, I had my head turned away from my arm and I think I had a constipated look on my face for several minutes. The doctor asked me, "Are you studying to become a doctor?"

That was the best joke of the day. I get nauseous when I see blood. I get even more nauseous when I see gore. I think I'd make a great doctor ;)

"No, I'm bad at Science." I told her. She laughed. Science was probably peanuts to her.

So, I've taken my blood test and I'm waiting for the results to determine if I'll need a Hepatitis B jab.

Oh well. Standard procedure.

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