Thursday, October 27, 2011


You know what's really ironic?

Having two tests on two different subjects on the same day, then scoring ZERO on the first one and FULL MARKS on the latter.

I made a zero on my Current Events quiz. It has the same effect as a test, except it's shorter. We have short quizzes like that at least twice a month, which require us to read the newspaper every single day to know what's going on in the state, nation and world. I missed only a few days worth of news and I got a zero. Wow. Tragic.

And who makes silly mistakes like this? I wrote "Iran" when the correct answer was "Iraq." I was just guessing, actually. And I guessed wrong. I'm ALWAYS confused between the two countries. The last time, I made the same mistake. I wrote "Iraq" where it should've been "Iran." Shame on me. :(

But hey, I know my facts enough to know that Gadhafi is NOT a type of chocolate. :) One of my classmates actually asked, "What is Gadhafi? Is that some kinda chocolate?" a few weeks ago.

Gadhafi's not a chocolate. Duh. It's a cake.


Lighten up. I wasn't serious. So anyway, Gadhafi died not too long ago. He was found in a ditch where he was shot in the gut after his "Please don't shoot me" pleas were ignored.

Well, as a result of getting a big fat zero on that quiz, I've made it a point to read the papers EVERY DAY. Or at least, I'm trying to. Checking the news everyday isn't as fun as checking my twitter timeline every morning. You know what I mean, right?

Good. I hope I'm making sense. Because it's 4.18 am and I'm still awake. I just got done writing 4 articles in 4 hours. I could've gone straight to bed, but I didn't. I spent a while staring at my clothes in my closet, looking for a Halloween costume. And then I sat up in bed and started to blog.

And now you're reading this. :)

Well, I've got an awfully long day tomorrow. I'm going to bed for real. Can't afford looking like a zombie AGAIN.

Oh, that one time, I was sooo sleepy that I failed to realize I was actually looking at my lecturer while yawning. Apparently we made eye contact the moment I started yawning. It only hit me two seconds later that my lecturer was looking right at me, but I was halfway through the yawn and couldn't stop on time. So he saw me yawn for 4 seconds. Gosh, that was embarrassing. It was nice of him to smile and joke about it. That's how the whole class knew.

Haha. Okay now I'm just rambling. I think I'd better go to bed. My pillow's calling. Nights! :)

1 comment:

Zeeman said...

Gadhafi's not a chocolate.
It's a nutcase.