Wednesday, November 16, 2011

How I got the iPhone 4S

So, two weeks ago, something bad happened to my iPhone 3GS. I upgraded its software to the new iOS5, only to make a perfectly fine iPhone perfectly dead.

It was working well before the upgrade! Then after the upgrade, I couldn't activate the phone. I did everything I could; I searched websites for solutions, called AT&T, called Apple, brought the phone to the nearest AT&T store, and came home defeated. They told me to send my "dead" phone to Apple for repair, but I knew Apple was gonna cost me some couple hundred bucks because I'm not under their Apple Care Protection plan or whatever. And I'd still be phoneless for weeks, and yet there was no guarantee they could actually repair the phone.

So I decided to just go ahead and buy the iPhone 4S, since it's cheaper here in the US. I paid $200 for the phone, on one condition: I have to be on a 2-year contract with AT&T. If I leave before the contract ends, I'll have to pay a fine. But anyway, I don't know how long I'll be in the States. Getting the phone is more important than worrying about breaking the contract.

My friend helped me to order the iPhone from Iowa, so I waited... and waited... and I had to go without the iPhone for 2 weeks. If you're an iPhone lover, like me, you'll understand the torture. But my friend was sweet enough to lend me her old phone so I could still text/call in the meantime. But 90% of my contacts were in my dead 3GS, which could only be retrieved through iTunes. So even though I had a phone, I was unable to contact a lot of people, especially those I hadn't seen in weeks. And whenever someone texted me, it would appear as an unknown number and I'd have to politely ask who they were, and then launch into an explanation of why I didn't recognize their number. Sigh. 

Two weeks without the iPhone was pretty hard. I mean, I depended on my iPhone for everything: weather, alarm clock, twitter, facebook, email, Whatsapp, photography, and MANY MORE. I realized how much I'd depended on that gadget. It wasn't healthy.

I kept counting down the days until my new phone arrived. Whenever someone whipped out an iPhone (which was often, because nearly every Arkansan owns an iPhone) I'd feel a sense of loneliness. Like, gee, they're tweeting, and I can't. Or, oh, they're taking a picture of their dinner to post on Instagram, and I can't.

Gosh, I was such a sillyhead.

Anyway, the phone was supposed to arrive last Tuesday. I was sooo excited. Until I found out Apple hadn't shipped the phone yet, and when they finally do, it takes about 4 days to get here. With my enthusiasm squashed beneath the heavy weight of anticipation, I began to find hobbies to fill up my time with. I watched movies on my laptop, which I haven't been doing in a while because I always thought I was too busy for them. I went to bed before midnight, because I didn't have a smartphone to keep me up into the wee hours of the morning. I started writing a fiction novel ;) I spent more time on the Word.

I paid attention to the things I overlooked in the past. I stopped anticipating so much. 

And then yesterday afternoon, the iPhone arrived. As I wrapped my fingers around its slim metal body, I felt a surge of joy. IT'S FINALLY HERE! 

I promised myself I wouldn't get hooked, but it's hard. There's so much to do on that phone. But the best part of all is, I'm finally able to Skype with my loved ones! I had problems Skyping through my laptop, but I won't have to worry about that anymore :) 

So there you have it. My silly little story of how I got the iPhone 4S :) And oh my gosh, it's amazing! What an odd blessing in disguise, don't you think?

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