Monday, February 13, 2012


Got a furry new friend in the apartment!

I purchased him from the petstore over the weekend. He's a Chinese dwarf hamster with brown fur and a black streak in the middle. He was the friendliest of the other hamsters in the store, so I grew pretty fond of him within minutes. 

I decided to go ahead and get this fancy cage for him. It came with a hamster wheel, food bowl, water bottle and some other hamster necessities. Quite a steal for its price.

He nibbled my fingers when I picked him up in the store, but he didn't clamp down hard. The girl who sold him to me said it's normal for hamsters to nibble. I did my own research online before visiting the petstore, and found out she's right. Hamsters do nibble quite a bit. As long as they don't draw blood from your fingers or break the skin, they're fine.

On the first night, Snickers shyly slept at the back of his plastic wheel. Later, he got more comfortable in his new home and started climbing the metal bars and gnawing them. 

He's nipped me a few times since then. I don't know what's up with him; one minute he's a sweetheart, and the next minute he's biting my fingertips. Twice, he broke the skin on my thumb and pinky. He may be bipolar.

He's my first hamster so I'm still getting used to having a little furball in the house. I bought a pink plastic ball for him to roll in whenever I took him out from the cage. Today, I fed him small shreds of cheddar. He loved them.

My mother won't be pleased to know about my hamster. This was why I never had one as a kid, because she was terrified of rodents and refused to let me adopt hamsters. But she's in Malaysia and I'm in the States, so ... it's going to be alright. :) 

The store told me I have a week to return Snickers if I don't like him. I like him a lot; I just get annoyed when he nips my fingertips, which is a habit he's picked up over the weekend. He doesn't do it a lot, but it's enough to puncture my fingers.

Oh, Snickers. What am I supposed to do with you?

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