Saturday, October 03, 2009

Food (Part 2)

This is a continuation from the previous post.

The next day, I tried Krispy Kreme for the first time.

Mmmmm. :) The aroma of freshly baked donuts filled the shop.

So, we brought back 2 boxes of donuts to Julia's apartment. Oh, I forgot to mention that her apartment has like the best view of the city.

It's an elegant structure of 80 storeys, and it's probably the tallest building in the city. So yeah, she has a splendid view of the city from her window.

The city at night.
It's a little blurry because I didn't turn on the flash.
And I think my hands were quivering from the cold.
Brilliant excuse for bad photography.

Okay, back to the donuts! After a long day in the city, we dropped by Krispy Kreme and bought two dozen donuts back to Julia's.

Box One: sugar-glazed donuts aka original donuts
These were the legend of Krispy Kreme donuts.

Box Two: various flavors
(the chocolate donuts with cream filling tasted the best)

We watched a boring Indiana Jones movie and then for dinner, Julia and Ming Yew (Ming Zen's brother) took us out for dinner at Lygon Street. We had Italian food again. But this time, it was in a different restaurant called "Coretta".

On the way there, Julia accidentally accelerated at the red light and she was stopped by a 'police horse'!
Lol. More on that later ;)

All of us in the car were loao-ing (lauging our asses off).

It's always a challenge to find a parking in the city near your destination. And parking in the city is pretty expensive too. After several rounds that night, Julia finally found a nice spot and we walked to Coretta. It was a cosy Italian restaurant with tons of F1 merchandises propped against the walls, reflecting the owner's huge passion for car racing.

While waiting for our food to arrive, we posed for the camera. :P
They said I was on holiday, so I had all the right reason to take pictures of everything!

Julia and Ming Yew

Evan and Jen Ne

Then our food finally arrived, and we clasped our hands together in glee. =D

Pizza with sliced white mushrooms, cheese and tomato

Salmon spaghetti

Fettucini Carbonara

Hot plate chicken with creamy mushroom sauce

Once again, dinner was delicious!! We ate until the waistband of our jeans were pressing hard against our bloated tummies. But it was worth it. :)

Okay. Now, back to the police horse story.

I was surprised to see real police on real horses in the city. Horses can travel through the traffic. And they could probably gallop twice the speed of the cars (horse power? lol) I don't know why they have police horses over there, but I gotta admit that it was a funny sight to actually see them do their job.

Julia accidentally gunned the gas pedal while the traffic light blinked red. And unfortunately for her, two police horses were nearby and they galloped up to her and tapped on her window, and then demanded her to move to the other side so they could issue her a ticket. Aww. :( We were all laughing because it seemed too ridiculous to be true. Getting a saman from a police horse?

But the fine was no joke. I think she was charged AUD200. In Aussie, bribery is a foreign subject. You can't get away from crime with bribery. Which is a fairly good thing.

Will continue with more food after this. In the meantime, I'm learning how to write and read in Chinese! :) Yesterday, I spent 3/4 of my day learning it on my own. And I've made quite a lot progress. *cheers* I'm glad I did something productive. :P

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