Thursday, October 08, 2009

Candles, Mooncakes and Friends

I like mooncakes, especially the ones with white lotus and pandan. I hadn't celebrated Mooncake Festival in a loooong time. The last time I celebrated it as a child was probably when I was 10 years old. I was at the playground with the other neighborhood kids and we were playing with our paper lanterns. One of them hung his lantern over a pole and went over to the buffet table to eat. And then the pole caught fire!! The fire was leaking through the remnants of his lantern and I was the only person there at the moment. Panicked, I did the first thing that came to mind.

I poured my drink all over the fire. And watched it subside.

Lol. But thankfully that was not my last memory of Mooncake Celebration.

A few nights ago, a group of us headed to Pei Wen's house in Cheras to celebrate Mooncake Festival. Nate, KC, Casey, Shean, Pui Mun, Jean, Stella, me, Pei Wen herself and her two high school friends whom I got to know on that day, June and Shamini.

Me, Pei Wen, June and Shamini

Well, for starters, there was a lot of food! It was steamboat :) So we dipped fishballs and tofus and all that into the bubbling cauldron and waited like 5 minutes for the food to cook, then we ate. We repeated that process for the whole hour. But it was fun. Steamboat is a healthy style of eating. And we just kept eating.

Sooo much food!

Then we played with lanterns and candles!


Around 10pm, we went back into the house and watched a sappy movie on TV. PS:I Love You.
I've watched that movie for like, 3 times already. And yeah.. from all the reviews I got about the movie, I personally think the movie was overrated. I agree that it was really sweet and touching, but tear-jerking?! Really??

Fi and me. Such a darling doggy.
I heart dogs. :)

Pei Wen :)

Eventually, we decided to scoot and go to Lookout Point. I'd never been there. They told me it's a high hill in Cheras which has the overview of KL. It was11.30pm when we left Pei Wen's house.
And 12.30 am when we reached our destination.

We parked our cars in the parking lot and walked up to the tall tower. On the way up, KC suddenly reported: "Uh oh. I think I stepped on a frog!"
She was wearing Crocs. A little frog jumped into her shoe and she accidentally stepped on it with her bare foot. Upon feeling the slimy sensation, she pulled her foot out and the frog jumped out of the shoe and disappeared into the bushes.

That's when KC suddenly spoke of the frog.

We climbed to the highest level of the tower and gazed down at the sight before us. The city stretched out into the night like a blanket of glittering lights.

Well if you really want a view of Kuala Lumpur itself, then you should go to the KL twin towers. At Lookout Point, it was basically just the whole of Cheras that we saw. KL was in a distance.. we saw the silvery lights of the Petronas twin towers blinking miles away. Lol.

By the time I got home, it was 2.30 am. Yes, I was incredibily sleepy. But it was a night to remember!

Candles, mooncakes and friends!

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