Thursday, November 12, 2009

I Miss You

Life feels different without college. No more classes, no more assignments, no more exams, no more frequent lunch-ing sessions and random trips to Face to Face. And yep, no more indulging in Starbucks one hour before a big exam.

People are leaving. One by one.
Most of them have already left, and are now residing in different parts of the world.
Sigh. Lately I've been thinking back to my first few semesters at college, when everyone I knew was still around.
College life would not have been the same without you.

I miss you people so much, and I hope you're doing well over there. No matter what you're facing, I'm sure you'll gain something great out of it. In case the going gets tough, know that you're never alone.

Wherever you are, you'll always be in my heart! :)

And to the ones who will be leaving to USA in like, next month, I wish you all the best in your fresh new future.

Thanks for the memories. :)

May your tears come from laughing
You find friends worth having
With every year passing
They mean more than gold.
May you win and stay humble
Smile more than grumble

And know when you stumble

You're never alone.

1 comment:

DANA! said...

Awhh yeah. I miss ALL the times in INTI right from the first semester all the way until the last. Back when it was still that eewey old building and i didn't know anyone but you and Nick Wong. Then when they had the new building faces. Old people leaving, bonding with new people. The happy times, the emo crying "nobody cares" times (haha do u remember that?) Not forgetting the food, fickleness trying to decide where to eat. The lepakness, the stressness. OH I MISS INTI TIMES :(