Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I went to Genting on Saturday morning with Ming, Vivian, June, Jon and Adam. We boarded the bus from One U to the SkyStation in Genting. I always get dizzy and nauseous when I travel up and down Genting. We took the cable car to the Genting Hotel and walked 15 minutes until we found the theme park. That was where our real adventure started.

We spent several hours in the outdoor theme park. It was so misty and cold out there.
The Spinner
That was the first ride I went on. It was dizzifying!
Tip: Don't ever look back once you're flying 180' in the air.

Flying Coaster
You should totally try this one! It's awesome!
I loved it, although I was screaming like a lunatic.

Pirate Ship
While queueing up for this one, we watched all the passengers scream their heads off.
We scoffed about how lame the ride was. Then we all agreed to just remain silent and emotionless throughout the whole ride.

But it was impossible! We ended up screaming anyway. The ride wasn't lame. We were the lame ones.

The thing about all these outrageous rides is the 'heart drop' feeling you get once you're plunged downward. I hate that heart drop feeling but I can't deny the thrill I get once it happens.
It's a love-hate relationship.

Space Shot
I'm scared of heights.

I wasn't intending to try this one, but Ming, Vivian, Jon and Adam were already queueing up and they said that Ming was gonna have to sit alone if I didn't ride this one. I felt sorry for Ming so I decided to go on the ride too. Then halfway through the queue, I felt sorry for myself because I wanted to pee but there was no way I could back out now. My knees were getting weak. I was scared! This was probably the most intimidating ride I'd ever been on.

You're pulled all the way to the top of the tower and suspended there for 10 seconds, and before you know it, you're plunged downward at full speed. So our turn finally arrived and unfortunately, Ming and I had to sit seperately because all the good seats were taken. I sat beside a Malay girl who was uttering prayers all the way up. That scared me. Death felt like an inch away.

We reached the top in less than a minute, and I looked down and saw a blanket of white clouds at my feet. So I took in a deep breath and nearly coughed; the air was freezing cold. It was completely silent up there. I think everyone else was in anxiety; no one talked. All of a sudden, we dropped.

It was horrible. My heart dropped like there was no bottom. All I could do was cling on so tightly to the metal bars and pray that they wouldn't give way. The pressure was so intense that our bums were lifted off our seats! If we weren't holding on to the metal bars, we'd be thrown upward. The drop lasted for 10 seconds? Then we were suspended halfway. I think that was intended for us to catch our breaths and calm our freaked-out minds down. Everyone was shrieking and I glanced at the Malay girl beside me and yelled, "Is it over yet?? Are we going to drop some more??"

And she said, "No more. Why? Not enough? You want some more??"

I laughed out of relief and shook my head. I kept thanking God this was over.

I was told that there was an old man who sat on that ride 15 times that day. Hats off to him.
One time on that ride was enough for the day.

Ooh this was one interesting ride! What happens is you insert a token into the slot and the door closes, then the box will shake for a few minutes and then it goes back into position. Then the door opens and ta-dah, you get three happy faces.


This London bus was imported from Johor Bahru. Notice the number plate.

It started to get really cold at noon and Adam was nice enough to lend me his winter warmer.
I should really get a whole collection of winter clothes when I go to USA.

I made a new friend there, Mr. Apple. He gave me a flower balloon as a gift of rememberence :P

Unfortunately, the flower died in June's hands while she was holding our stuff when we queued up for the Space Shot. Aww.

We decided to try the ride called 'Crazy Science Laboratory' and we wasted 20 minutes on that ride. -.- It was pathetic. All we did was sit down and watch the walls rotate and the lights flicker.
This was before we knew what a lousy ride we were queueing up for.

We went into the indoor theme park for a while and rode the Motion Master. Another pointless ride because the movie that we were shown was actually a boring documentary of sea creatures that were supposed to be scary. After it ended, I was like, "This is it?"

Ahh well. Disappointment. Don't bother trying that if you can't stand boring rides.

Then we played Bumper Cars!

This was really fun because we ganged up on smaller kids and bumped them so hard until they jerked in their seats. XD Believe it or not, we actually went back for a second round. Lol.

The last ride that we went on was located outdoor. It had the longest queue (incredibly famous) and I think we waited in line for nearly an hour.

Jon got so bored that he couldn't stop yawning.

And then finally it was our turn. This was the ride.

The CorkScrew
Screws you up

I know this picture is an understatement because the roller coaster looked more majestic than this. Anyway, it was pretty cool. It didn't have plenty of heart drop moments unlike the Flying Coaster, but it was still fun nevertheless.

There wasn't much left to do in Genting so we left early and took an earlier bus back to One U.
I got so dizzy on the busride back that it took me two days to get over the feeling. I get carsick rather easily, sigh. :( But I'm glad the trip was a success.

Genting was a fun experience.
Thanks to the ones who made it there :)

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