Sunday, February 21, 2010

I Love Holidays.

I had a whole week of holidays and time flies so fast, when you're having fun and even when you're not. :P

I had a Bio quiz on Friday and I was twittering on my phone, because I finished early and I didn't want to leave the class just yet. After the test, I grabbed my bag and bolted out the door with my classmates and we went for bubble tea! Do you know how awesome bubble tea is?? It's addictive. Even my mom likes it.

Chinese New Year was pretty short this year. I didn't get to fully immerse myself in the mood although I wanted to. We went back to my grandmother's on CNY morning and came back that evening itself. Seeing my relatives was the best part of the day. Yeah, receiving angpaus was enjoyable too, but this year it really hit me that this would be the last time I'm celebrating CNY with them because I won't be around for CNY in the next two years. And two years is a LONG time.

Most of my cousins are wayyy younger than I am. Sometimes they take so long to warm up to you because they hardly see you. So I have to always go through the same routine of "HELLO!" and they keep quiet... and then I have to keep talking to them until they finally start talking again. LOL. It's something I'm quite used to. They're so adorable anyway.

That's me with the maid and my cousins.

I also had a nice time catching up with Anusha and Debbie during the week.

We should do this more often :)

Debbie's going to be a dentist, and Anusha has decided to be an accountant. And me? I don't know what I'm going to be. But I'm gonna study Journalism. Maybe a journalist, maybe a magazine editor, hahaha you never know.

Classes start tomorrow.

All I want to do right now is watch one of those new DVDs I bought and enjoy the last few hours of freedom.

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