Monday, March 08, 2010

Back to Reality

Hello amazing people! I'm so sorry for being slow on the updates here. But thank you for the patience that you have, nevertheless :)

I think it's so funny that I'm always telling people that I'm busy with college stuff, when I'm only doing 2 subjects this semester. But that's the truth! There's always so much to do for my English class - it's a research paper class so basically we get a lot of essay-based assignments. I currently have 2 pending research papers to write; one minor and one major. The major one is my term paper, which I'll be handing in at the end of this semester. The other one was due TODAY, but thank God my lecturer was kind enough to postpone it to NEXT MONDAY since we have a midterm this week. I LOVE YOU MISS K.! :) If I had to hand it in today, I'd be pulling triple all-nighters the whole weekend.

Bio's not that bad, actually. I have to do triple work though because after reading each chapter, I have to read it again and then go online and do some practice questions and read the notes as well. And a few hours before the test (like now) I have to go over what I read just to make sure everything stays in my head before... and during the test. You know that feeling when you study so hard for a test and suddenly while you're taking the test, you blank out? Yeah that happens to me every now and then and I think the best way to cure it is to keep reading the notes over and over again until you've practically memorized the whole thing. Anyway, I like Bio. Despite what everyone warned me about, it's actually nice, you know? I think Bio rocks.

Okay I need to prepare for that upcoming test because I have it in 2 hours. This blog isn't gonna die, okay? I'll try to update it every now and then with meaningful stuff :D Stay tuned.


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