Sunday, March 21, 2010


Have you had your corneas checked?

Honestly, I never knew that corneas could or should be checked often, if you're a user of contact lenses. Last week, I went to the optician to get a new set of contact lenses since my previous ones had already expired. When I got there, he did a thorough check on my corneas, then sat me down very seriously and explained in thick Biological terms that my corneas had been injured. I didn't react because I was paralyzed by the thought of going blind.

He proceeded to tell me about the blood flow and the iris and how all that was interconnected and etc. I just sat there, dumbfounded, still stunned to know that my corneas had been injured. So at the end of his 5-minute lecture, he assured me that my corneas were healed and there was nothing to worry about. Cornea injury doesn't make a person blind, according to him.

I managed to summarize his 5-minute detailed explanation into 5 words.
"Wear your spectacles more often."

Got it. I'll be wearing my nerd glasses to classes more often.

How do I look? Haha.

Last week, we had an in-class evaluation on Biology. All of us were told to answer a set of simple questions on an OMR sheet (the kind we use in exams) regarding our lecturer's teaching methods. I thought this would be a good time to be honest about his methods, so hopefully he'd improve in his teaching. I gave him mostly C's and D's. Honesty works best when its coupled with integrity, agree? For my situation, I lost my integrity the minute I handed it in, because I'd accidentally written my name and student ID on the paper. I forgot that it was an anonymous evaluation. So, I'd completely understand if he doesn't give me a big fat A on my term paper.

Lesson learned. I seem to be making a lot of mistakes in Biology.
But if we don't make mistakes, we can't learn. So I should be happy that I made those mistakes; at least I know what NOT to do.

Yeah, switch the situation around and draw a smiley face on it. That's optimism.


annoraong said...

LOL!at ur optimism thing.too funny.we should hang out soon!
love ya!

Carissa Gan said...

haha yes we definitely should! :) love you too!

Vivie said...

you loook good with specs. keeping what you told me about the corneas, i shall wear specs more often too. GAH.