Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Blessed birthday to me!

That was the cake my parents bought me on the night of my birthday eve. We had a simple celebration at home with my next-door relatives. It was a cosy gathering. It's been so long since I celebrated a birthday at home. Oh yes I love my family! :) They're irreplaceable.

The little boy in front is my cousin, Ming Kheng.
(You might have read about him in the earlier posts)

The next morning, June and Vivian showed up at my door with a sweet surprise: Vivian baked a birthday cake for June and I, as June's birthday was just a few days before mine.

It was a delicious chocolate banana cake, topped with the candles "2" and "0". Very sweet of Vivian darling! Baking is her hobby, and I strongly feel that she should continue pursuing it. :)

So we had some cake and then set off to Sunway Pyramid to start our day. Parking was a bitch, as it was a Saturday and also a school holiday. But after roaming the parking lot for what seemed like ages, we managed to get a nice one.

Usually, on our birthdays, we'd go shopping, watch a movie, eat a nice meal, take lots of photos and do more shopping. This time, we decided to try something different: we went karaoke-ing!

I've never karaoke-ed before.
(Okay, well the first time I tried it was in Singapore several years ago with my relatives and they were all singing old Chinese songs that I didn't know about. So, that doesn't count, right?)

My best friends and I had a great time. Initially, we were singing songs like "I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing" and "You Belong With Me". Then we got bored of those songs and tried singing to club songs like "Hotel Room" and "Shut It Down". We turned the lights off and started dancing around, acting crazy and belting out the lyrics without giving a damn about how we sounded like.
Now that was fun.

All of a sudden, a waiter came into the room to serve us our drinks and all 3 of us kinda froze for five seconds. Then, very awkwardly, we sat down and pretended to be busy studying the menu. Loud music was still pounding from the speakers so one of us picked up the remote and hit the "Pause" button. When he left the room, I'm pretty sure I saw a smirk on his face. Hmm. I'm so glad I don't know him.

We burst out laughing and pressed "Play". The fun continued.

Three hours spent karaoke-ing with my favorite girls. I think karaoke-ing is fun when you go with people you're comfortable with. :) I wanna do it again!

For dinner, we went to Sushi Zanmai. I've been there 3 times in 2 weeks and I'm still not sick of their succulent Tamago Mentai!

This is the reason I love Sushi Zanmai.

Tamago Mentai is sweet Japanese omelette with roasted cod roe and mayo. It costs RM2.80 per plate for 2 pieces. GO TRY IT IF YOU HAVEN'T. Especially if you're a fan of Japanese food.

We ordered some other dishes including the infamous Soft Shell Crab sushi with mayo.

In case you're not a fan of soft shell crabs, one piece of this will instantly make you want more.

June refused to touch it though, because apparently she 'doesn't eat fish eggs'. LOL. So wasted.
So Vivian and I were forced to finish the remaining pieces although we were both extremely bloated. I was so full that when I woke up the next morning, I turned down a nice breakfast. :P

I had the sweetest birthday outing with my girls and they made it really enjoyable. I'm so grateful having them in my life, and I'm missing them so much right now. You babes mean everything to me, and I meant everything I said! :) THANK YOU. Just can't wait til I see your pretty faces again!

And also a big THANK YOU to the wonderful people who sent me birthday greetings :) Reading them put a big smile on my face. You know who you are! ♥ love you all too!


sam said...

Hey it's me sam (not the sam that you know) again,

Happy belated 20th birthday to you carissa, sorry to be late than never.

Glad you are having so much fun and excitement on your 20th birthday. =)

When I was a kid I used to resent the timing of my birthday. December 31st is not the best day to be born if you're hoping for a truck-load of presents. I used to get presents that said, "Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday." I thought that was a criminal act. But that's just the way it works. Six days after Christmas people are either tired of shopping or broke. And on a day before New Year no one really wants another party.

So I used to think that I had the worst birthday possible. But I don't think that anymore. I don't resent my birthday anymore. In fact, I actually like it. And the reason I like it is because I've found spiritual benefit in the timing of my birthday.

Having my birthday and New Year's so close helps me to feel more acutely the passing of time. And that's very good for my soul because I need to be reminded that I'm getting older. I need to be reminded that I have a limited amount of time on this earth.

That's why every year I have a little birthday tradition: I study Psalm 90, a Psalm that helps me meditate on the fleeting nature of life. And as I look ahead to a new year I ask God to give me a heart of wisdom.


Vivian K said...

hey sweetheart. reading this posy brought back fond recalls frm that night. I loved time spen with you as much as you did.

You deserved it. You're one amazing person :D

Carissa Gan said...

Hi Sam.
Thanks for sharing, and I'm so glad to know that you have found a great new meaning in celebrating your birthday. It's true, birthdays are a gift from God and they are like a checkpoint for every stage of life we have passed through. We should always be grateful that we've been given another year to grow, and to improve from our past mistakes. Your birthday this year will be another meaningful one, I'm sure of it :) Cheers!

Carissa Gan said...

Hey Vivi,

I'll never forget that amazing day. You and June are such beautiful blessings! I love you both.