Friday, July 16, 2010

Back In Malaysia

I flew in from Melbourne yesterday afternoon and landed safely in Malaysia in the evening. It was a long, tiring journey, but I'm glad to be back home with my family. I miss Melbourne very much because of the people, food, fashion and fun. I actually miss the cold winter wind too. When I touched down yesterday, the captain announced that the weather in Malaysia was approximately at 30'C. When I stepped off the plane, I was greeted with a blast of hot, humid air. Malaysian air.

I met some nice people on the plane. There was an Australian mother who was coming to KL with her family for the very first time, a Malaysian guy studying in Perth and two other Malaysian girls. I also met a high school friend. :)

I actually woke up that morning with a really bad sore throat. I lost my voice and sounded very husky. So the whole time when I was talking to people, my voice sounded hoarse and dry. They knew that I was having a sore throat. But I kept talking anyway, because I was so bored on the plane and I couldn't fall asleep. It would have been so much better if I hadn't lost my voice. :D

I think I'm having a jetlag. Melbourne is 2 hours ahead of Malaysia, and this morning I woke up 2 hours earlier than I normally did. My throat still feels dry, but I think I've gained 30% of my voice back, so that's a start. :)

Will be uploading some pictures of my amazing Melbourne trip soon! :) Have a good weekend! I'm going to stay home, rest and recover.

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