Saturday, December 31, 2011

Drama at the store

I was standing in line at Forever 21 today, when two African-American girls took their place behind me and started chatting about clothes and stuff.

Several minutes later, one of them (dressed in pink) asked me, "Hey. Were you here before me?"

Either she really wasn't paying attention to whom she was lining up behind, or she assumed I was a timid little Asian who didn't speak English in hopes she could get me out of the line so she could take my spot.

"Yeah, I was here first." I said.

She cocked her eyebrows, "Really?"

"Yes. Really." I replied firmly.

She stared at me for a few seconds, still unbelieving, and shrugged. "Oh."

I didn't like her attitude, but I said nothing further.

Minutes later, she turned to another African American girl behind her (dressed in white) and said, "Bitch, were you talking about me? I'm pretty sure I heard you talking about me."

White's heavily-donned eyes widened and she smiled calmly and replied, "No, I wasn't talking about you."

Pinky laughed but it was obvious she didn't buy it. "Hey, I heard you pretty clearly. You were talking about me. Why don't you just say it to my face?!"

To which White responded, "I wasn't!"

So these strangers bantered for 30 seconds or so until one of them raised her voice and their conversation exploded into an ugly commotion of yelling and verbal abuses.

I quickly paid for my purchases and left, just in time to see White throw her drink at Pinky, but missed and hit the wall behind the counter instead. Brown liquid splashed onto the counter and floor. It was a mess. The sales people looked too stunned to speak. Shoppers were ogling in silence.

*Mr. Security Guard, you should probably come in now.*

Pinky and White were still screaming at each other.

"Well, I am talking to you NOW!" White shouted. She finally stomped out of the store, cursing loudly and flipping Pinky off on her way out. White's boyfriend hurried after her with his head down, probably ashamed of his girlfriend's behavior. I would be, if I were him.

That was honestly the dumbest public argument I've seen. These two girls didn't even know each other and were screaming foul words in the middle of Forever 21, with a large audience around them. All that anger lashing out over a simple matter: Paranoid, egotistical Pinky insisting that White was talking about her, and hot-tempered White letting a stupid misunderstanding tick her off.

What is up with some people these days?

These girls don't belong in the store. They totally belong on Jersey Shore.

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