Thursday, January 19, 2012


Yesterday was beautiful. It was freezing, but the afternoon managed to retain its beauty in the sun.

Took this as I was walking to class

On days like this, I'd say the sun seems to be frozen behind a layer of ice which is the sky, because you can clearly see its golden rays enlightening the world around you, but you can't feel its warmth.

Altogether, it was a pleasant reminder that His grace never fails. :) The fact that I was able to walk through the chilly afternoon, taste the icy air and feel the wind teasing my hair with each step brought joy, despite shivering beneath my thin jacket.

Someday, I'll be leaving this America. And when that day draws near, I'm going to miss everything about this country; the food, the people, the culture, the four seasons, the accent, the clear blue sky, the majestic sunsets, the travels, the university I spent my 2 years at. I'll miss everything, I'm sure.

You know, it's really easy to forget your blessings when you've found them. It's easy to miss out on the little moments that steal your breath away, because you were paying attention to all the wrong things. Little moments like that are everywhere. If you looked and listened hard enough, you will find these snippets of joy.

Say, in a mug of hot chocolate while it's snowing outside, or in the crinkling eyes of your loved one when you've made him smile, or in the pages of a great book, or on a warm afternoon at the park.

I like to take slow, long walks on campus sometimes (when the weather is tolerable) to soak in the beauty of it. UCA may not be a big university, but it's big enough to me. It's certainly pretty enough. The flowers blossom in March, a cacophony of vibrant colors all over campus. The birds soar across the grand blue horizon, singing songs of freedom. Everything is just beautiful here.

So before I graduate, I'm going to cherish every minute of the day here because it's truly a blessing that I'm where I am now. I am here because God made it possible. And I'm so grateful for this amazing opportunity. Studying in America has been a childhood dream, and it still awes me that I actually made it here. Because there came a point when I didn't think I was able to be here. But God turned that around and worked miracles. :)

When I finally return to Malaysia, I don't want to leave this place with regrets.
I want to leave with beautiful, lifelong memories of my blessed two years in America.

What do you want to cherish? :)

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