Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Thank you

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I love mornings like this. Beautiful mornings with prisms of sunlight streaming in through the blinds, bathing my bedroom in golden glory. As I sat up in my cozy bed of various blankets, soft toys and pillows, I closed my eyes and prayed, thanking God for another day filled with grace.

It's been two days since I came back to my quiet apartment in Conway. My roomies are still enjoying their winter break elsewhere, and one of them is returning tonight. Yesterday, I spent all afternoon unpacking my bags and spring cleaning my bedroom. As I went through the contents of my drawers, I found handwritten  cards and letters from my loved ones and I sat on the floor for a good hour or so, reading each and every letter and card written months and years ago.

I love handwritten cards and letters because they are tangible evidence that no matter the distance, love and friendship will always find a way.

Emails and Facebook messages are sweet too, but I personally prefer writing someone a postcard or letter so they can physically hold it in their hands and feel the way I feel when I receive a letter or card in the mail. That joyous feeling when you hold an envelope addressed to you from someone you care about. Yeah, I'm old school like that ;)

So, to the various people who've taken the time to send me postcards, cards, letters and lovely little notes over the years, I want you to know that I'm keeping all of them in my little black box :) I look at them from time to time and I can't keep myself from smiling, thanks to you. Your sweet notes of encouragement, your gentle words of kindness and your loving thoughts never fail to amaze me.

This one goes out to all of you who've kept me going, be it through letters, notes, cards, texts or emails.


You cheered me on every time, reminding me that I'd always have your back. 
You laughed along with me even though I'd just cracked the lamest joke on the planet.
You supported me and gave me the confidence I needed to make some of the toughest decisions in my life.
You were there to listen, to understand, to be there as a friend.
You loved me for who I am, even when at times when I couldn't love myself.
You showed me the power of love and friendship, and I knew I was truly blessed.
How could I ask for more, when I have some of the finest friends anyone could ask for?

So, thank you for your time, for your faith in me, and for loving me all the same. 

I love you all and I'm so blessed to have you in my life. :)


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