Thursday, February 02, 2012


I like spending quality time alone in Starbucks, sipping on my drink and immersing myself in a good read or whatever assignments I have, as the swirl of conversations carry on around me.

I like doodling on napkins. Sometimes, I'll write an encouraging anonymous note and leave it behind for next lucky person to find it.

I hated raw salmon all the way until summer of 2011. Now it's my favorite thing in the world, beside chocolates and carbonara pasta.

I really want a hamster.

I eat a lot, complain about the calories, and eat a lot anyway. It doesn't actually bother me that much.

I'm a private person; I don't like posting personal stuff out there because I hate to be judged.

I used to wonder why people would go to a counselor and spill their problems, rather than sharing with their friends or family. But now, I can totally see why spilling the beans to a complete stranger would help.

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