Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Three Lessons

Lessons learned last month:

Lesson One:
One of my lecturers once said this: True friends at work are scarce and hard to find. You can never fully trust anyone at work, because sometimes, the person that you trust the most could be the one who disappoints you. Everyone is selfish in business, and that's just the way it is.

That's why I didn't finish my full 8 weeks at Bloop. I got off in my 6th week.
It's a long story.

Lesson Two:
When one door closes, another one opens.

An Australian property development team came down to KL for two weeks. I worked with them for 3 days, and I was exposed to a better insight of sales and business. What I earned in the 3 days with them was more than what I earned in 2 weeks at Bloop.

It was actually a blessing in disguise!

Lesson Three:
When I changed my mind about going to the USA and decided to apply to universities in Melbourne, I constantly asked myself if I was doing the right thing.
I was planning to fly to Melbourne in Feb next year if I got accepted into Monash (Clayton), and I did get accepted. But all of a sudden, my interests changed. Once again, I decided to venture away from Linguistics and move over to Communication. Due to personal matters, I would be pursuing my degree in Malaysia for another year or so. I was disappointed, because for the past few months, I'd just been craving university life abroad.

Sometimes you may plan things for the future, but always leave room for changes. You don't know when they might drop by. Usually, their visits happen when you least expect them to.
But there is always a reason for everything.

I still don't know if Communication is my thing yet. But I'm willing to give it a shot.
I won't know until I try.

Wish me the best of luck ;)


annoraong said...

well life has always unexpected turns.and that is what makes it exciting.haha.anyways i definitely know how u feel.my life has always (up to now) been rather unpredictable. God's ways always surprises me =)(in a good way)
you will soon find out the beauty in the decision u made.btw where r u studying?

Carissa Gan said...

Yes Annora I agree with you on that one. I'm always surprised by what He has in store for me too. Like, he takes me down one track then suddenly I feel like I'm switching lanes within a blink of an eye. But everything happens for a reason, right? Lol. I don't know where I'm gonna continue next year - either back at INTI, or Monash, or HELP.