Monday, January 18, 2010

Meet Me Halfway


I've been MIA for a long time, but I'm still around. And yes, I'm still in Malaysia.

Still in INTI, to be exact. (It's my FINAL semester!!!) This time, it's really final. Then I'm officially done with college and INTI life. Can't wait.

Today after Bio, I was in the AUP office with Daniel, Nad, Shane and JC. Then Daniel's phone rang and his ringtone was a some dark, doomsday opera music. Just picture a tragic scene from the movie 2012 and the melancholic symphony in the background. It really sounded like doomsday.

"Who died?" I joked.

"It's my mom calling." he replied.

"Oh I'm so sorry! But why did you set that music as your ringtone?"

"It's not my main ringtone. It's only for my mom." he said.

Jeng jeng jeng.

Seriously. I hope your mom doesn't know that you did that for her :D

Speaking about music, I can't stop listening to BEP's Meet Me Halfway. It's stuck in my head. Thus, the title of this post. I know the title has got nothing to do with what I'm writing here. Lol.
It's for the sake of not leaving the title box empty, you know.

Well nothing's new except I got a haircut.

Tomorrow, I have to go to the dentist. Apparently I've a wisdom tooth growing behind my molar tooth and it's not gonna grow properly unless I extract the molar tooth, so that's what I'm going to do tomorrow. *gulps*

I've had 4 teeth extracted when I was 14, due to braces.

Oh god. The horror.


Anonymous said...

you'll be fine with a few teeth gone, don't worry =P
but it sounds really pain, hope someone can record it down and share it with all of us. =P

don't ask who died next time...
might turn super bad! hahAHA !

how's life ?? I'm sure u earn something from studying hard for the quiz, so continue studying hard, like, very hard.

so what? ur going MIA ???
what is ur MIA ??? i know quite a few, like Malaysia Institution of Art, and....

Carissa Gan said...

Well I hate injections and that was the most painful part. I lost a tooth but gained a new one :) New wisdom tooth growing at the back. Hehe.

Yeah I'm definitely working on improving my CGPA this semester,so I have no choice but to make Bio my best friend even though I detest it. How's life in New York you lucky boy?

MIA means Missing In Action. :) Amos, Amos. You haven't changed one bit! :D