Monday, May 03, 2010

All You Need Is Love

I'm specifically referring to the kind of love that is generous, unconditional, patient, enduring and nurturing. It's the love that flows freely and knows no boundaries or shyness. It's the love that you feel when a friend cries with you when you're sad, or the financial sacrifice of a parent for his child's future. This love is everlasting and always there, embedded in the hearts of the ones who really care.

We all have tasted this love. It was given to us before our very first birthday, while we were still in the wombs of our mothers. And we are still experiencing it as we grow each day. This love isn't superficial, selfish or temporary. It is real, generous and permanent. It is the remedy that heals and the flame that keeps burning. It is meant to be shared with the world.

There are so many of us who have it within us, because we have people who constantly love us. Friends. Family. It's time to share this love with others, regardless of their history.

"Love is like an ocean. It can never run dry and it's depth runs deep. There is no end to it."

Thank the ones who love you, because they are the ones who will love you all the way through ♥

- Posted using BlogPress from phone

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