Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Spider and the Shoe

Look who had so much time on her hands to revamp her blog!

Well, why should I blame myself. It's the weekend! :) I spent a great deal of time bumming around the apartment today. Cooked lunch, surfed the net, read the first few pages of a novel, and bummed some more. I did some homework too. The most productive thing I did today was finish 38 pages of my textbook in an hour. I was reading the history of photojournalism. It was pretty cool, unlike the history of geographical regions and how they evolve over decades. And then I wrote an essay about it for the class.

Oh, another highlight of the day: killing a spider with a shoe.

Shoes can be deadly, if you know what I mean. I was having dinner in the kitchen earlier when a huge spider appeared less than a feet away. First instinct? Scream. Second instinct? Jump on the chair.

I'm kidding. I totally did not react that way.

But I had a sudden image of the spider jumping... and goosebumps broke out on my skin. I don't really have anything against spiders, but when a spider just stays there and continues to haunt me, I find it really disturbing. So, after much thought, I had to kill it. My housemate said I could use one of her big brown boots to smack it with, so that was my weapon.

But I didn't "smack" it. I dangled the shoe several inches above the spider's plump body by the laces and released them. The heavy shoe plummeted and smashed the spider in one swift second. Poor spider barely had time to move. Well, pest activists can get off my back because spiders aren't exactly a breed you'd want to protect. In fact, the sooner spiders get off the face of the earth, the better!

Incy wincy spider went on the kitchen floor
Down came the shoe and crushed poor Incy out
Out came the guts and spider blood and brains
And Incy wincy spider never did that again.

I know what you're thinking, and I can assure you, I've got better things to do than create a twisted nursery rhyme out of that. Which is why I'm moving on to the rest of my assignment.

Happy Saturday all! Shoe a spider!

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