Friday, August 26, 2011

6 Writing Classes

Hurray for the weekend! I've only had two days of classes and I already have loads of assignments to finish before Monday. Planning to chill at home and finish my work in the cozy crib this weekend!

I mentioned that I'm doing 6 classes this semester. I thought 3 of them were writing classes and the other 3 were reading classes. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be the case. ALL 6 OF THEM INVOLVE A LOT OF WRITING.

I had 4 writing classes last semester and was living under a cloud of stress. I barely had time to read novels or watch movies. My life basically revolved around my writing assignments and interviews. I'd do the interview in the afternoon, go home, start working on the piece right away and submit it to my professor before midnight. That carried on for the entire semester.

So, looking at the amount of workload I have this semester, it's going to be no surprise if I spend most of my weekends locked in the house, chasing deadlines. 

Well, wish me luck! :) Have a great weekend.

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