Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Blissful Wednesday

It's a lovely evening in Conway and it's been this way over the past few days. The scorching summer sun only comes up early in the afternoon and quickly disappears before 4pm. It's starting to get really windy, which is perfect when you're walking to classes but not so perfect when you have a photoshoot for class and you're posing out in the open with the wind blowing hair into your face every second.

That happened today. Haha. I'm writing for The Fountain again this semester (it's an honor, really) and we had to take some "professional" shots by the school fountain earlier for our "Meet The Staff" page. I'm excited to see how the pictures turned out. 

This semester is quickly becoming a busy one. Yes, I know 6 classes already guarantees that, but really. Sometimes I feel like I'm struggling so hard just to NOT fall behind classes. I'm taking Media Law & Ethics this semester which is a class devoted to studying the intricate commands of American law... and believe me, it's tough. We're supposed to understand the important laws and be able to apply them to current media events, and then we have to read between the lines to distinguish the TRUE meaning of the law. It sounds complicated and it is! 

Well, gotta pull my study socks a little bit higher this week and slave the days away. It's not too hard when you have a cozy room and a mug of hot chocolate to accompany you ;)

On another note. I miss my family! :) I haven't spoken to them since I got here. We've emailed but I've still yet to see their faces on SKYPE. Haha. They're the sweetest, most lovable people you will ever meet. <3 The internet in my apartment is still acting strange; it'll be smooth for an hour and completely disappear the next hour. Sigh. I'm hoping the Housing department fixes this as soon as possible. It's been weeks and my housemates and I have been insanely patient with the whole thing. It's crazy living without internet; I'm sure you know that ;)

And our downstairs bathroom was leaking. There was thick white liquid oozing out into the hallway. Yes, GROSS. We didn't know what caused it, so I called the management yesterday and they came over to check it out. I think they've fixed it. I mean, I hope so. Water doesn't seep into the hallway anymore.

Well, apart from that, this is a great apartment. It's so much better than my dorm! I liked Baridon Hall, but one of the things I hated about dorm life was NOT having the option to cook regularly. I was on a meal plan too, so I had to maximize that at the cafeteria almost every day. Cafeteria food isn't the bomb. They serve greasy, cheesy stuff for every single meal and sometimes you just run out of options. I'd usually get the same stuff every time I ate there:

Lunch: Omelet with spinach and bacon (if they had any), soup of the day, pasta soaked in plain alfredo sauce (I'd be lucky if they had bits of basil in there). And whatever meat that was served.
Dinner: All of the above, minus the omelet.

I started cooking in my dorm, like, in my room, to be exact. I had an electric kettle, so I'd boil water in there and cook instant noodles in a plastic bowl. Lol. Stop laughing at my pathetic dorm life, okay? It could've been worse. :P But overall I had a great year in Baridon Hall and that was one of the major highlights of my first year in UCA.

Dorm life certainly has a lot to offer, but apartment life has more! :D

Well. Like a good girl, I'm off to do my assignments. 

Later, gator!

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